Research Features
ecosystem-based agricultural systems
Ecosystem-Based Agricultural Systems research:
FOOD FORESTRY: a radically diverse forest-based agro-ecosystem that can produce food, fodder and fuel in a seven-tiered growth pattern for maximized output and minimal input needs
DIVERSE ALLEY CROPPING: designing and researching different alley cropping systems that have the potential for mechanized perennial tree crops that improve annual crop production while reducing their collateral damage to the ecosystem
COPPICING FUEL AND LUMBER: maintaining trees and shrubs in ways that promote re-growth and create sustainable supplies of black locust and other fuel and lumber crops for future generations
PERENNIAL-BASED ANIMAL HUSBANDRY: designing perennial-dominant agro-ecosystems that meet all of the year-round food and water needs of animals
Habitat Restoration research:
RIPARIAN BUFFER SYSTEMS: using various government and foundational programs designed to incentivize farmers to cultivate land surrounding streams and waterways to develop a long-term comparative analysis of maintenance regimens, water cleanliness, wildlife biodiversity, and food production
CONTINUOUS SOIL AND WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENTS: through partnerships with universities and other agencies we will examine the speed at which ecosystems rebound and recover
BIODIVERSITY ASSESSMENTS: conducting studies related to entomology, ornithology, limnology, xylology, and soil macrobiology to examine populations, biodiversity and habitat for rare and endangered species
habitat restoration
community incubator
Community Incubator research:
CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL KITCHEN: beyond our own on-farm needs for value addition, we would like to aid and incentivize other farmers and land-owners to diversify their production