For Donations Use EIN: 45-2729935

Tree of Life Project

The Tree of Life is a large-scale 15-acre demonstration project designed to visually display the beauty and productivity of a radically diverse food forest system. Thousands of trees, shrubs, vines, and root crops will be integrated to optimize synergies among plants and to maximize photosynthesis and human food production. For this reason, we are now asking our community to help fund this ambitious multi-year project. 


Your tax deductible donations are the seed funding that will get this program off (IN) the ground. Thank you in advance for any contribution, no matter the size… your support means the world to us at TRC! 

We are offering benefits for donors who give at different levels!

  • SEED LEVEL: $50- Plant a tree dedicated to you or a loved one.**

  • ROOT LEVEL: $250- Plant 5 dedicated trees** + 1 FREE event/class!

  • CANOPY LEVEL: $2500- Plant 10 dedicated trees** + a SEASON PASS to any & all event/class offerings at the REED Center for the full calendar year!

**After receiving your donation we will send you an email asking what name(s) you wish to have inscribed on our tree tagging system. 

To make a donation to the Tree of Life Project, please use the button below:

General Support

Our work requires the support of the amazing community around us. Your donations help us maintain and expand our efforts for our local community and our global audience. 

Donations to this general fund will help us:

  • Expand our on-site nursery

  • Plant bio-diverse trees and shrubs (our goal: 1 million plants!)

  • Expand our educational programming

  • Improve and restore our infrastructure

  • Support underserved communities

  • Respond to new opportunities as they arrive

We so appreciate your generosity!