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Dr. Y. Martin Lo, Board Member

Dr. Y. Martin Lo, CEO & President of Biointellipro, decided to step away from his 20 years as a faculty at the University of Maryland in 2014 to focus on helping developing countries. He has organized interdisciplinary teams to tackle food safety and ecological issues in different countries, and was invited to speak on “Healthy Cities” at the United Nations headquarter in NYC during December 2017. A food bioprocess engineer by training at the Ohio State University, Dr. Lo’s expertise ranges from intervention for microbial control to recovery of renewable ingredients and assessment of nano-safety. Dr. Lo received the Outstanding Food Safety Research Award from UN Human Health Organization in 2017, and the Presidential Volunteer Service Silver Medals from Presidents Obama and Trump in 2015 and 2016, respectively. He is a Fellow of the World Food Preservation Center, a FDA-recognized Process Authority, the Ambassador of the International Union of Food Science and Technology, and the founding Editor-in-Chief for Food Science & Nutrition.