Whether you need a fully integrated design or just some backyard inspiration, our design team creates customized designs for every client and are tailored to meet the needs, time and capabilities of any user(s). Offering comprehensive expertise, you don’t have to compromise beauty for functionality.
Services we offer:
One Day Consultation and Site Walk
Includes up to five hours on site with broad concepts and inspirations for your own designing process. This cost $150 per hour, with a $500 minimum. Within 72 hours you will receive a follow up with basic information and initial ideas drawn on a map, perfect for DIY.
Fully Integrated Site Design and Site Summary Report
Includes full site design, design summary, plant list and placement, and resources. This typically requires 15-20 hours of work at $150 per hour, and you receive a detailed design for your landscaping company.
Sites we design:
Edible landscaping
Natural building techniques
Vertical gardening
Edible outdoor mushroom production
Educational gardens for schools and parks
Food forests/forest gardens
Senior, handicapped & physical limitation gardens (including wheelchair accessibility)
Multi-generational gardens
Productive riparian buffer zones
Forest understory food/herb production
Farm preservation, easement designs (ie CREP, Stream ReLEAF, ect.)